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Fried Rolls with Shredded Mozzarella Filled

35 minutes Preparation Time
8-10 person Number of Services
6 pcs Number of Ingredients
Fried Rolls with Shredded Mozzarella Filled


Are all the ingredients ready? Mark what you've got. Complete the ingredients. Start making it.

  • 1 bowl grated Bahçıvan Aged Kashar
  • 1 bowl Bahçıvan Shredded Mozzarella
  • 1 pack of triangular dough
  • 1 bowl of raisins
  • 1 glasses of frying oil
  • 1 egg

Stir the grated cheese in a bowl and blend with the grapes.

Separate the egg whites.

Put a dessert spoon of cheese mortar on the large parts of the dough.

Roll it over and stick the pointy part to the egg whites.

Fry until golden in the hot oil.

Add to your favourites.

Cheese used in the recipe

Bahçıvan Aged Kashar Cheese
Bahçıvan Aged Kashar Cheese 350 gr